More and more people are trying to find ways to use water more efficiently, especially when watering plants. Not only ornamental flowers but also lawns and trees need much water in the hot summer. Usually, the summer rains help them a lot, but it may only rain for a portion of the month in some places. Therefore, you will undoubtedly water your garden if you don't want to lose your plants and crops due to drought.

According to the billed consumption in the Czech Republic in 2022, one inhabitant used about 90 litres of water daily (drinking, flushing, washing, etc.). According to statistical data, watering gardens requires approximately 20 litres of water per m2 weekly for utility plants and about 15 l/m2 for ornamental plants. 

For example, for a 50 m2 (5 × 10 m) bed in a hot month, you will need up to 4 000 l of water. Of course, it depends on other factors, such as the plants you are growing, the subsoil, whether you use mulch, etc. Nevertheless, this is a large amount of water. In addition, each tree can use up to 400 l of water per month. Water management in the garden is challenging if you don't have a well and don't catch enough rainwater.

Escube Biostimulants help you save water

Thanks to their innovative formulation, Escube products contribute to water conservation, especially when caring for plants in the dry season. Escube products contain organic substances that help improve soil properties. 

These are all-natural hydro absorbents, wetting agents and humectants. They make the soil retain moisture better and gradually release water to the plants when needed. Surface runoff is also reduced, minimising evaporation and increasing plant water use efficiency. 

At the same time, water is better retained in the root zone, allowing plants to draw water more evenly and for a more extended period without frequent and excessive watering. 

Applying biostimulants to the soil significantly benefits the plants when watered with an appropriately diluted solution. After using Escube, water consumption is reduced by up to 40%, saving up to 1,600 litres per month in our sample 50 m2 bed.

Tips on how to save even more water when watering:

The proper watering time: water plants in the morning or evening, when the outside temperature is lower, and water evaporates less.

Correct technique: Water plants directly at the roots to minimise water loss through evaporation from the ground. You can also try automatic irrigation, which keeps the soil optimally moist through regular watering. For trees, on the other hand, water farther away from the trunk and in bursts with more water.

Mulching: Mulching the soil with a layer of bark, straw, or other materials helps to keep the soil moist for longer and, more importantly, to reduce water evaporation.

Regular care: Remove dead leaves and flowers to prevent excessive water use on parts of the plant that are no longer viable.

Selecting suitable plants: In future, also try to grow plants that are adapted to local conditions and require less water.

If you want to make an effort to grow plants more sustainably, use water more efficiently and save costs overall, consider using Escube natural biostimulants in your garden as well. If you need help choosing a particular product, please contact us.